As the Fall season rapidly approaches, it’s easy to get stuck in one of a thousand home-improvement endeavors. While some things take precedence over others, one thing you don’t want to have end up on the back burner is your home’s ventilation.
Luckily, there are a few things that can drastically improve your Chicago home ventilation. Here’s 3 ways to improve home ventilation for the Fall season:
Cooking is a visual process. If you’ve got meat in the pan or roasting in the oven, you’re likely to find yourself looking at it and judging if it is done.
One thing you won’t see while you cook are the particles from cooking that float into the air and cling to your walls and ceiling.
If you’ve come in after someone has cooked lunch and smelled the lingering aroma of garlic or onions, you’re smelling these tiny particles.
To reduce the amount of particles that cling to your walls and improve your overall ventilation, prop a nearby window open when you’ve cooking.
You’ll get all the wonderful lunch and dinner scents you’re used to while you cook and won’t have to worry about continuing to smell them throughout the week. If your windows don’t open as fully as they need to, a professional can increase their range to maximize ventilation.
Air is always flowing, at least somewhat, throughout your home. If it wasn’t, you’d run out of oxygen. Thankfully, no one lives in a perfectly enclosed space.
As the air flows throughout your home each day, leaving the doors to smaller spaces like closets or bathrooms can cause the air to become trapped in there or flow less smoothly.
By being strategic about which doors you leave open or shut, you can ensure that the flow of air in your Chicago home is rapid and that none of the air can become stale in your smaller spaces.
If you’re unsure of the flow of air in your home, an HVAC professional can assist in charting its course as it enters and exits your space.
Structural ventilation is especially important when it comes to ensuring the air in your home does not go stale in your attic space. Attics need an upward flow of air to bring them cool air.
There are a multitude of reasons that there may be a lack of upward air flow in your home – an HVAC professional can diagnose and treat the issue to increase your home’s ventilation.
Proper ventilation can be vital not only to your family’s health but to their comfort as well. You’ll find that a properly ventilated home is quickly rid of excess smoke, cooking odors, and moisture and can work towards increasing overall happiness for the Fall season.
Call TDH Mechanical, Inc. today at (773) 342-4338 to get the proper ventilation that you deserve in your Chicago, IL home.
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